Top 8 reasons for project kick-off meetings

November 2, 2018 by Task2Bill
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It’s time to set the ball rolling to start your business project. Well, it’s also time to bring your team together for a project kick-off that will set the course and tone for a successful project and partnership.

So how would you go about the right project kick-off?

A kick-off meeting definitely!

Before the onset of the project, it is important to notify all team members about the project progress plan. That is when kick-off meetings are called for to set things moving from the get-go.

The kick-off meeting is also an opportunity for team members to meet and interact with each other. In case of team members who are working offsite, a virtual meeting helps them to communicate and know each other. These kick-off meetings also builds team trust and promotes mutual understanding among team members.

Top 8 reasons why project kick-off meeting are needed:

  1. Kick-off meetings brings everyone involved in the project together and ensures a common understanding of the project and their individual roles. It establishes an understanding of the expected project outputs, needed inputs, project activities and distribution of work and responsibilities to achieve the end result.
  2. Keeping the team involved from the onset by engaging them in kick-off meetings makes them motivated, keeps them energized and focused to achieve project goals.
  3. The right project kick-off meeting gives room to discuss the purpose of the project, the objectives, scope, deliverables, risks, estimated schedule, budget, and the deadline.
  4. It lays out the important roles and responsibilities of the project team, clients and stakeholders before the project starts. As everyone attends the kick-off meetings, it gives the opportunity to discuss plans to manage and update the tasks and status updates on a regular basis.
  5. The kick-off meeting ensures that everyone understands and agrees to the proposed procedures to reach the project goal. The meeting gives people the flexibility to voice questions or concerns they have as the project begins.
  6. The kick-off meeting enables users to align expectations and present a roadmap for the project progress. This ensure team alignment from the start, meeting project deadlines with timely delivery.
  7. The possibilities of project risk need to be discussed in the kick-off meetings before the take-off. By doing this, you enable the team to focus on the risk scenario and work out on the solution strategies prior to the project execution.
  8. A kick-off meeting provides a fast, engaging and effective method to ensure that everyone understands the project goals and objectives and is ready to take the responsibility for successful delivery.

5 important things to discuss in the kick-off meeting:

  1. Define the project overview to the team and how they are going to work on it.
  2. Clarify the roles and responsibilities of teams from scratch to avoid future complexities.
  3. Define the project process map and flow that will be needed to meet the goals.
  4. Brief the team about the project target at the very onset and layout the workflow to achieve the same.
  5. Explain the scope of the project to bring transparency in teams and tasks for successful delivery.

Project kick-off meetings ensures that proper processes are in place to meet project deadlines. It also ensures that teams provide quality deliverables throughout the execution of the project progress for success.


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